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ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Design and implementation of a shrimp pond monitoring system using Internet of Things

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Author Kusworo Adi, Aris Puji Widodo, Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri and Ari Bawono Putranto
e-ISSN 1819-6608
On Pages 384-390
Volume No. 19
Issue No. 6
Issue Date May 15, 2024
Keywords shrimp ponds, monitoring, control, expert system.


In 2020, the volume of fishery exports will reach 1.26 billion kilograms (kg) with a value of US$ 5.2 billion. Shrimp became the commodity with the most exports, namely 239.28 million kilograms with a value of US$ 2.04 billion. In 2020 shrimp aquaculture production in Indonesia reached 911.2 thousand tons, shrimp also contributed to the total export volume of fishery products by 18.95%. Vaname shrimp production is also targeted to reach 2 million tons in 2024, some of which will be for export. In an effort to achieve this target, a system is needed that is capable of monitoring and controlling shrimp ponds using the Internet of Things (IoT). Because the monitoring process that is carried out traditionally will take time and be less efficient. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system for monitoring and controlling shrimp ponds automatically using IoT. Sensors and microcontrollers are used to read and control input and output data such as pH, temperature, salinity, turbidity, light intensity, water level, and actuators for filling and draining pumps. This system will also be equipped with an expert system to be able to perform data analysis of measured parameters. This research was carried out within 2 years. In has been carried out the development and manufacture of hardware on the monitoring and control system. In the second year, hardware and software integration will be carried out to be able to monitor, control, and analyze data as decision support and implementation in the actual system. The purpose of this research is to design and build a monitoring and control system for shrimp ponds based on the Internet of Things.


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