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ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences >> Call for Papers

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Strut method for the analysis of Confined Masonry structure with opening subjected to vertical and lateral loads

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Author Sukrawa M., Budiwati I. A. M., Prayoga M. H. and Putra I. G. P. I. M.
e-ISSN 1819-6608
On Pages 434-445
Volume No. 19
Issue No. 7
Issue Date May 30, 2024
Keywords combined vertical and lateral load, confined masonry, diagonal strut, shell element, CM with opening.


Confined Masonry (CM) is considered one of the most efficient construction systems for low-rise buildings and has demonstrated its ability to withstand strong earthquakes in various countries. However, the analysis methods for CM, especially for CM with opening, have yet to be widely agreed upon. This research proposes a method for analyzing CM with confined openings subjected to vertical and lateral loads. The proposed method combines diagonal struts with an equivalent frame and rigid zone approach (MSC). Before creating the MSC model, a validation model is developed using layered shell elements (Msh). This validation model is then expanded to incorporate different ratios of openings ranging from 10% to 30% and various positions of window and door openings, both centrally and eccentrically located. The shell model serves as a reference for the subsequent creation of the MSC model. The validation model shows that the layered shell model (Msh) can accurately mimic the behavior of CM with an opening if the elastic modulus of the concrete and masonry materials is reduced by a reduction factor of 0.1. The MSC model, having the stiffness of beams and columns of 100 and the axial area factor (Aax) varied yields a response corresponding to the response obtained from the Msh model. The CM with window openings (CWO) and door openings (CDO) with the same opening ratio exhibit different responses and, therefore, have other strut width equations. The CM with centric and eccentric window openings has the same strut width equation and axial area factor (Aax). However, for the CM with door openings, different strut width equations and axial area factors are used for centric and eccentric openings.


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