The results of laboratory studies on the composition for roofing and waterproofing mastics
Full Text |
Author |
Aliya Tashimova, Panabek Tanzharikov, Zaurekul Kerimbekova, Grigory Ivahnuyk and Zhangyl Abilbek
e-ISSN |
1819-6608 |
On Pages
Volume No. |
Issue No. |
Issue Date |
September 13, 2023
Keywords |
asphalt-resinous paraffin deposits (ARPD), polyethylene, waterproofing materials, mastic, oil waste, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE).
The volume of oil waste in Kazakhstan is growing rapidly every year. This paper gives the results of laboratory studies on the composition of roofing and waterproofing mastics. An analysis of the processes of formation of the structure of a polymer-organic waterproofing material showed that obtaining a material with desired properties that meet the requirements of a waterproofing structure for the material is determined by a combination of factors: the composition and properties of the ingredients, their quantitative ratio, mechanical and physical-mechanical influences. The scope of waterproofing materials is determined by the specifics of the work of various engineering structures. Our research was aimed at developing compositions of organopolymer material based on ARPD and polyethylene waste, which can be used as roofing and waterproofing mastics. As a result of the study, the most optimal composition that meets the requirements for mastics should be considered the composition of an organopolymer material with a mass content of components, %: ARPD - 89.9 -94.9, polyethylene waste - 5-10%, addition of surfactant to in the form of a quaternary fluorinated amine (С=14) - 0.1.