Optimal power flow of power system with Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation using moth flame optimization with locational marginal price
Full Text |
Author |
Trinadh Babu Kunapareddy and Sravana Kumar Bali
e-ISSN |
1819-6608 |
On Pages
Volume No. |
Issue No. |
Issue Date |
February 29, 2024
Keywords |
locational marginal price, optimal power flow, moth flame optimization, thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC).
Consideration of transmission line capacity and the optimal power flow (OPF) determines the locational marginal
price (LMP), which in turn determines the performance and profitability of a producing unit. Reducing the total cost of the
generators can lead to a drop in the market price of electricity. It is recommended to use numerical and repetition-based
approaches for solving power flow equations due to their nonlinear nature. In order to achieve the ideal power flow at an
affordable price, this paper employs a Moth Flame Optimization (MFO) to solve the equations. We then enhance the
MFO's structure to make it more effective at performing the simultaneous calculations of power passing through
transmission lines. One FACTS tool that has been utilized to overcome this problem is the Thyristor Controlled Series
Compensation (TCSC). Lastly, the proposed MFO algorithm would include the following parameters in its output: bus
voltages, line losses, produced power, total generating expenditures, and generator profits. Testing the proposed method on
the IEEE 57-BUS network also shows that it improves upon the OPF problem.